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Switch screen mode from portrait to landscape

< 1 min read

For tablet screens, you may need to switch portrait screen to landscape.

1. Go to terminal and type the below command From root shell

nano /etc/X11/openbox/autostart

Add the below line just before “java -jar /opt/Saleculator/Saleculator.jar”

xrandr --output UNKNOWN1 --rotate right

Now, save the file and exit, by pressing CTRL+X, Y, Enter.

2. Type the below command in terminal

nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf

Add below lines under the line Identifier “evdev touchscreen catchall”

Option "SwapAxes" "1"
Option "InvertY" "1"

Now, save the file and exit, by pressing CTRL+X, Y, Enter.

3. Reboot the system.


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