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Payment report based on payment type

1 min read

Maintenance > Resources
This template can be used in Printer.CloseCash/Printer.PartialCash for printing payment report based on payment type.
This template generate Cash Out report. Other payment reports can be generated changing “Cash Out” to desired values like Cash, Debt, Cash In, Card, Currency, Refund, Free, etc.,

  <text bold="true">Cash Out Report</text>
  <text align ="right" length="48">Total</text>
#foreach ($line in $payments.getPaymentLines())
  #if($line.printType().equals("Cash Out"))
      <text align ="right" length="48">${line.printValue()}</text>
    #if($line.printNote()!= "")
        <text align ="left">${line.printNote()}</text>
  <text bold="true" align ="left" length="12">Total:</text>
  <text bold="true" align ="right" length="36">$payments.formatCurrency($total)</text>

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