This template print payment report based on credit card service provider.
To enable choosing credit card service provier on payment dialog, go to Configuratoin, under Payment, choose, Bank for Mag card reader and external for payment gateway.
List of service providers can be added in Maintenance>Banks.
Use the below template in Printer.CloseCash and Printer.PartialCash
<!-- SALES BY CARD--> <line> <text bold="true">Card Payments</text> </line> <line> <text>------------------------------------------------</text> </line> #foreach ($line in $payments.getSalesByCard()) <line> <text align ="left" length="20">${line.printBankName()}</text> <text align ="left" length="10">${line.printPayments()}</text> <text align ="right" length="18">${line.printAmount()}</text> </line> #end <line> <text>------------------------------------------------</text> </line> <line></line> <!-- SALES BY CARD REPORT END -->
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