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How to setup Saleculator Kitchen Display System – KDS

1 min read

KDS is used in restaurants for KOT management. Here is the procedure to setup KDS with Saleculator.

Note: KDS support is available in Saleculator 3.7u2 and PDA 1u14 onwards only.

1. Connect your KDS device with a TV and a KDS Keyboard.

2. Connect your KDS device to the POS network and switch on.
Note: Your Saleculator counter/server must be up and running at this time.

3. If you are connecting KDS device for the first time, it will ask your confirmation to create KDS tables. Press OK button on the confirmation window.

4. Now configure KOT printers in all Counter and PDA devices to point to KDS. For this, go to Configurtion, and choose KDS for Printer. Default KDS name will be KDS01. If you have changed KDS name in KDS device, set it here accordingly.

5. This step is for getting total demand of an item on Estimation window of KDS. From a Counter, go to Maintenance>Resources and choose Printer.KOT and add the below line just after the foreach loop.

<estimate product="${ticketline.printName()}" units="${ticketline.printMultiply()}"></estimate>

After editing, it should look like below:

#foreach ($ticketline in $ticket.getLines())
#if (($ticketline.getProperty("kotnum").equals("KOT1")) && ($ticketline.getProperty("sendstatus").equals("No")))
<estimate product="${ticketline.printName()}" units="${ticketline.printMultiply()}"></estimate>

Do this for all KOT resources.

In Printer.KOT_Change, use the below line:

<estimate product="${ticketline.printName()}" units="-${ticketline.printMultiply()}"></estimate>

Here the only change is the hyphen in units, to make the units negative to update demand estimation when an item is cancelled.

6. Now choose the resource, Menu.Root, and enable KDS status screens. There are two KDS status screens for Counter and PDA. JPanelKDS and JPanelMyKDS. JPanelKDS is for Managers to view status of all KOTs. JPanelMyKDS shows KOTs sent by the current user.

group.addPanel("/com/posics/images/kds.png", "Menu.Token", "com.posics.pos.kds.JPanelKDS");
group.addPanel("/com/posics/images/kds.png", "Menu.MyToken", "com.posics.pos.kds.JPanelMyKDS");

7. For Manager roles, add the below line:

<class name="com.posics.pos.kds.JPanelKDS"/>

For PDA and Waiter, roles, add the below line:

<class name="com.posics.pos.kds.JPanelMyKDS"/>

8. Restart all Counter and PDA devices to reflect the configuration changes.

9. Now you can start sending KOTs from Counter and PDA devices. The KDS should display all the KOTs sent.

Press E on keyboard to show Estimation window and press H for History window.
Note: Please refer KDS User Manual for more information on how to use KDS.


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