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Fixing issue, which required double tapping on touch screen to get click working

< 1 min read

(Note: To enable any command remove <!– at the start and –> at the end of the command lines. Disabled commands will be green in color, once enabled the color changes to black and red combination, for commands with at the start just remove the , for single line commands with // at the start remove the // to enable)

We have found this issue in LG TS2009F Touchscreen. Here is how to fix this issue in Saleculator M5

> Connect POS system to internet
> Type below command and press enter
apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev
> Type below command and press enter
nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf
On fifth line, replace “libinput” to “evdev”
> Press CTRL+X, Press Y, Then press Enter
> Reboot


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