This script can be used to input % of discount to apply on the total amount.
Maintenance > Resources
Create a button in Ticket.Buttons and call the below script to apply the discount.
/* % Discount for the total of the receipt */ import com.posics.format.Formats; import com.posics.pos.ticket.TicketLineInfo; import com.posics.pos.ticket.TicketProductInfo; import java.util.Properties; discountperc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input percentage....."); double discountrate = Double.parseDouble(discountperc); discountrate = discountrate/100.00; total = ticket.getTotal(); if (total > 0.0) { sdiscount = Formats.PERCENT.formatValue(discountrate); taxes = ticket.getTaxLines(); for (int i = 0; i < taxes.length; i++) { taxline = taxes[i]; ticket.insertLine(ticket.getLinesCount(), new TicketLineInfo( "Discount " + sdiscount + " of " + taxline.printSubTotal(), taxline.getTaxInfo().getTaxCategoryID(), 1.0, -taxline.getSubTotal() * discountrate, taxline.getTaxInfo())); } sales.setSelectedIndex(ticket.getLinesCount() - 1); } else { java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } Save & restart
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