How SMS Marketing Grow Your Business

  • Build Loyal Customers

    SMS Marketing is a great channel to engage and build loyal customers. Offer your customers promotions and offer information about your business when you feel the need. This makes your customers / clients feel appreciated by keeping them the main focus of your business. The more you give, the more you get back.
  • Generate word of mouth

    Use SMS to not only engage your existing customers but also drive new business to your company. If you have something of value to offer your customers, they will spread the word to family, friends and colleagues. Word of mouth is a powerful tool and SMS promotes this with instant communication.
  • Improve communication

    Communication is key to building any long term relationship. SMS Marketing can be of great benefit when building on these relationships. SMS is a personal message from you to your audience. Let them in on the secret sale, a simple thank you message after a purchase, inform them of any sales/promotional offers, when their delivery is ready, the list is endless. SMS Marketing is an easy, fast and reliable way to communicate with all of your customers.
  • Fast and Effective

    SMS Marketing allows you to reach a large number of people all at the same time. Text Messaging is an instant marketing tool, getting your message into the hands of the right audience, when you want it. Customers keep their mobile phones on hand, making it easy to communicate your message to them.
  • Opt-In Option

    Building your database correctly is of vital importance, not only for Data Protection purposes but also by having your customers sign up to hear from you, you have already started the sales process. These Opt in’s are qualified existing or potential customers, they want to hear from you, don’t disappoint them.
  • Opt Out Option

    With every SMS Campaign your business must always offer customers the opportunity to unsubscribe from further text messages. Data Protection Laws state that if you are to contact a person via text, they must be able to unsubscribe via text. Cadoo can offer you the perfect product which will instantly update your database keeping you compliant. The major benefit with this, you will not be sending unwanted texts to those uninterested.
  • Cost Effective

    SMS Marketing is an inexpensive method of communication in comparison to traditional marketing. It will help your business to tighten your budgeting belts. A lot of companies public and private cutting costs every day by sending text messages instead of sending letters or brochures, this is always great for our environment too!
  • Integrate into your Marketing Campaigns

    A major benefit of SMS Marketing is the potential it has when you integrate it into any of your marketing campaigns. It is known that social media and traditional media are not always the most effective way to reach your customers on time, simply integrate SMS with these other marketing methods and get the message straight to your customers, ensuring that they know what you have to offer them.
  • Straight to the point

    With only 160 characters allowed when sending a text message this ensures that your message is clear and concise. Getting straight to the point is important, telling customers exactly what you want them to know and making it an easy read will benefit both the customer and your business.
  • Time management

    Everybody knows that ‘Time is Money’, with SMS Marketing you will save a lot of time, allowing you to concentrate on other areas of the business. It is a simple and easy process. With the scheduling component of SMS you can simply organise your SMS marketing campaigns for a later date. This is a huge benefit as it allows you to manage your time efficiently.


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