View Categories

Manager Guide

5 min read

This article will teach you how to perform various actions under Manager role

Adding/deleting product category #

Adding a product category: Administration Menu > Stock > Categories > + button on the toolbar > Enter a Name for category > Select a category from the Category drop down to make the new category under it (optional) > Press the flash drive button to set a picture for the category (optional) > Press Save button on toolbar.

Note: Choose a category from the Category drop down to make the new category under it.

Deleting a product category: Administration Menu > Stock > Categories > Select the category from the list on the left side > Press X button on the toolbar > Save.

Note: A category cannot be deleted, if there is a product under it.

Disabling/enabling a Category #

Administration Menu > Stock > Categories > Select the category from list on left side > Press the Delete from Catalog button

Administration Menu > Stock > Categories > Select the category from list on left side > Press the Add to Catalog button

Print product catalog in receipt printer #

Administration Menu > Stock > Categories > Press the Print Catalog button.

Adding product #

Administration Menu > Stock > Products > Press “+” button on toolbar > Enter below mandatory details of the product:

Reference, Name, Barcode, Buy price, Sell price, Tax category, Category > Save.

Notes: Product Reference, Barcode and Name has to be unique. Attributes: These are additional information about a product which can be captured during stock entry or sales. To know how to configure product attributes, check the Adding Product Attributes section. Product Image: To know how to set a product image, see the Setting a product image section.

Filtering products #

Administration Menu > Stock > Products > Enter the barcode on top of the screen/Enter Name/Buy price/Sell price/Category > Press the Refresh button on toolbar.

Disabling product in catalog #

Administration Menu > Stock > Products > Select the product from list on left side/filter the product using parameters > Stock tab > Deselect In Catalog checkbox > Save.

Setting a weighable product #

Administration Menu > Stock > Products > Select the product from list on left side/filter the product using parameters > Stock tab > Select the Scale checkbox > Save.

Adding an auxiliary product #

Administration Menu > Stock > Products > Press “+” button on toolbar > Enter the below mandatory details “Reference, Name, Barcode, Buy price, Sell price, Tax category, Category” > Stock tab > Select the Auxiliary checkbox > Save.

Mapping auxiliary products to a product #

Administration Menu > Stock > Auxiliary products > Under the By Product section, enter Barcode or Reference of the product and press the Tick button or press Enter key

3. Under the toolbar section, enter the Barcode or Reference of auxiliary product and press Tick button

4. Press + button to map auxiliary product to the selected product

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all other auxiliary products of the selected product

6. Press Save button on toolbar 

Adding product attributes (values, sets) #

Administration Menu > Stock > Product Attributes > Enter Name for the attribute and press + button > Repeat 2nd step for all attributes > Save.

Administration Menu > Stock > Attribute Values > Select attribute from the Product Attribute drop down at top > Enter the Value > Press + button > Repeat 2nd and 3rd steps for all attributes and its values > Save.

Under Administration Menu > Stock > Product Attribute Sets > Enter Name for the attribute set > Press + button > Repeat 2nd step for all attribute sets > Save.

Mapping attributes to attribute sets #

Administration Menu > Stock > Product Attribute Use > Select attribute set from the Attributes Set drop down at top > Select attribute from the Product Attributes drop down below toolbar > Press + button > Repeat 2nd and 3rd steps for all attribute sets and its attributes > Save.

Assigning attributes to products #

Administration Menu > Stock > Products > Select product from the list at left side > Under General tab, select attribute from the Attributes drop down > Save.

Setting tariffs #

1. Administration Menu > Stock > Tariff 

2. Press + button on toolbar

3. Under the Tariff List area, enter Name of the tariff

4. Under the Price area, enter barcode of the item or choose the item by selecting it from the drop down

5. Change the Sell Price to the desired price under selected tariff

6. Press + button under the Sell price

7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for all items having price change under the selected tariff

8. Press Save button to save the tariff

9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for all tariffs

Note: It is good to have a tariff with no products under it. It helps to reset pricing to standard after setting a tariff to the bill.

Warehouses, Account heads #

Administration menu > Maintenance > Warehouses > Press + button on toolbar > Enter Name of the warehouse > Enter Address of the warehouse (optional) > Save.

Reorder levels #

1. Administration menu > Stock > Products by Warehouse

2. Choose warehouse from the Warehouse drop down under By Warehouse area on top

3. Select the product from the left side list

4. Enter Minimum and Maximum quantity

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all the products

6. Save

Stock maintenance #

Administration Menu > Stock > Stock Maintenance > Stock movement date from the Date picker at top > Stock movement reason from the Reason drop down (All reasons with a prefix (IN) increase the stock and all reasons with a prefix (OUT) decrease the stock. The reason ‘Request’ is used for requesting products from outlets to factories or offices. The reason ‘Crossing’ is used to transfer stock from one warehouse to another) > Select Supplier button (optional) > Barcode scan items/press item in the catalog > Select the item and press +/- or *, quantity, + to change quantity > Select the item and press *, price, – to change buy price (Updating the buy price will reflect the standard buy price of the product) > = button to save.

Adding floors & tables (Restaurant) and drivers (Delivery) #


Administration Menu > Maintenance > Floors > Press + button on toolbar > Enter a floor name in Name field > Set an image for the floor from flash drive button (optional) > Save.


Administration Menu > Maintenance > Tables > Press + button > Enter a table name in Name field > Choose a floor from the Floor drop down > Enter X and Y floor position of the table in Position field > Save.


Administration Menu > Maintenance > Drivers > Press + button > Enter driver name in Name field > Enter driver code in Driver Code field > Save.


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